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Suspended Ads, sites


You Have Suspended my Ads- websites,  but I am not a Free Member ? I Upgraded , Have I Done Something Wrong ?


1) Your site have been suspended to protect you and your credits..... or for violation of our terms of service

2) Even upgraded members can not promote rotator links if they not comply with our terms.
Please read our terms here:

3)Keep in mind that when you promote a website you have 5-8 sec to shows up in the surfing area so if you promote a rotator into a rotator, into another rotator, no one will wait your site to load, they click the next surf icon and they going to the next site....result: you just loosing your credits and no one see your ads. Sometimes also if in a rotator are too many sites it takes too long to load and may block - freeze the surfing area

4) Our suggestion: promote simple links or splash pages or if you want to promote a single rotator link, no more than 5 sites on it!
That way you are sure that members will see your ads and you are not loosing your credits!
In Traffic Exchanges where you have to show your Ads in a specific time manner this is a must.

Thank you for being a member of PostMan Hits!


Admin Postmanhits

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Related articles Suspended due to incorrect clicks
Suspended Account - Sites
Article details
Article ID: 7
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2020-04-30 18:21:42
Views: 1592
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (59)

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